Saturday, October 31, 2009

Fleggaard – Lige over Grænsen

This is a Danish advertisement.

Is This the Best TV Commercial Ever? Fleggaard Controversial - The most amazing videos are a click away

The text on the sky says “Dish Washer – Only 4999″.

And the text in the end says “Fleggaard – Lige over Grænsen” which means “Fleggaard – Just over the edge”.

Grænse also has the meaning “border”, and Fleggaard is a German company selling lots of stuff cheap (or so they say) in Denmark. Hence “just over the border”.

Also, to ensure that I clarify everything in this commercial...yes, these are naked women that are skydiving. No translation will be needed for that part of the commercial.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Intern Google Search

I typed in the word "intern" when searching google for more information on Dave Letterman's situation. One of the first pictures that popped up in relation to the word intern was below.

I now know we don't have to worry about David Letterman giving interns a bad name. They do just fine on their own.