Friday, May 16, 2008

Student Council

This is a continuation from a post on The Furthest Point blog. It talks about an upcoming Oliver Stone movie called "W".

Does Elizabeth Banks really look like Laura Bush?

I can confidently say, "No". Why can I say "No" without any question or doubt...well I went to high school with her. While I'm not sure how she'll do acting as Laura Bush I do know that she has experience in politics.

Elizabeth (Liz) and I were on the Pittsfield High School Student Council. She was two years older than I was and was always vetoing my attempts to improve our school.

She never liked my suggestions for White T-Shirt Cheerleader Car Washes, a Pancake Breakfast for Guidance Councilors, or a Battle of the Bands concert in which the lead singer attempts to light himself on fire during a pep rally (this actually happened).

So while I'm not so sure how this movie will do at least they chose an actor that has a background in politics. Her real name is Elizabeth (Liz) Mitchell but this name was already taken by another actress. She had to use her mother's maiden name of Banks. For those of you that are J.J. Abrams, Lost, geeks then you'll be able to figure out who has the name Elizabeth Mitchell.

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