Thursday, June 5, 2008

Did you get the Memo?

This has to be one of the best office freak outs ever. This guy just doesn't stop. I've seen others that last about 20 seconds but this guy goes postal for over 2 1/2 minutes.

I've internally felt like this as work but what makes someone snap this bad? Did he continue to get annoying blog updates from one of his friends? Did the guy picking up the papers near his desk give him a ball tap? Did someone tell his co-workers that he had a triple nipple?

I guess we'll never know. All I know is this guy is pissed.

***After posting I ended up finding out this was fake. Click here to read about it.***


Flipp said...

Dude! holy cr@p! I never saw that... he must have been asked to travel to the corporate office on his Birthday... with the other managers .... ON A SATURDAY... and ON HIS BIRTHDAY! I would be pissed too!

Dool said...

Classic Flipp...classic.