Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Hulk or Larry Bird?

Is it just me or should Ed Norton be playing Larry Bird's life story vs. playing The Hulk?

Ed is starting to look like a skinny version of Larry these days.

The Hulk and Larry Bird have a lot in common:

-Both are very tall: The Grey Hulk stands at 6 feet 6 inches tall and Larry stands at 6 feet 9 inches tall.
-Both had troubled childhoods growing up which defined their future.
-Both have mild mannered personalities until they get mad and then dominate their competition.
-Both are defined by the color green.

The Hulk also has one of the greatest & fastest healing abilities in the Marvel Universe. He can heal in a matter of minutes from wounds that would prove deadly or incapacitating to nearly everyone else.

This is very similar to Larry. He had one of the greatest & fastest healing abilities in the NBA Universe. He can heal in a matter of minutes from wounds that would keep anyone else out of a playoff game.

Check out Larry's super human strength in the clip below. Go Celtics!!!


so'c said...

Mike fantastic comparison, both classic and timely. I'm confident that the Celtics will win in 6 games and that the Hulk film will be pretty good - a lot better than that previous piece of Ang Lee garbage. Here's another bullet point for your comparison:

Ed Norton wanted to be a big part of the film production so he co-wrote it and had a deal with the studio giving him a big say in the final edit.

Larry Bird wanted a big part in every game and always had a say in the final play.

(kinda of a weak comparison but still good enough to mention)


so'c said...

Also, if I were you, I would have posted those facts in some shade of green and not yellow.

Who do I sound like?

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget...

BIRD spent years denying Corrie Bird is his daughter.
NORTON spent years denying he was in Death To Smoochy.

BIRD at 3-Point Shooting Contest, 1986: "I'm just looking around to see who's gonna finish up second."
NORTON after meeting Brad Pitt on the set of Fight Club: "Is there a ventriloquist missing his dummy?"

BIRD: Once known as The Great White Hope.
NORTON: Once known as Derek Vinyard, white supremacist.

BIRD: Refers to foreplay as "dribbling."
NORTON: Refers to foreplay as going "Down In The Valley."

BIRD: Regrets dropping out of IU before playing for Bobby Knight.
NORTON: Regrets dropping pants with Courtney Love before test results came back.

BIRD: Don Mattingly's brother-in-law.
NORTON: Cal Ripken's ass-kisser.

Great post, BestOf. Go Yankees!

Dool said...

Thanks Jerry...I took your advice and changed to green.

Dool said...

Nice comments Tommy...they were actually better than my post.